


ITHEN je rezultat sodelovanja 8 projektnih partnerjev iz Italije, Španije, Portugalske, Slovenije, Turčije in Nemčije ter 6 pridruženih partnerjev iz Argentine, Kanade, Čila, Italije in Turčije.


Fondazione ITS JobsAcademy

TVET center – Italija

JAC ima izkušnje z mednarodnimi skupnimi tečaji TVET (leta 2018 je začel svoj prvi Mednarodni tečaj upravljanja marketinga) in s prehodom študentov s TVET-institucij na univerze (leta 2017 prvi sporazum). Prav tako JAC prispeva svojo mrežo z italijanskimi podjetji.

Founded in 2010, Fondazione ITS JobsAcademy offers courses for technical high specialisation.

JAC has the highest number of courses and students in Italy, and the professional qualifications JAC delivers are among the most demanded by companies in Lombardy and Italy.

Thanks to the strong link with the business world (courses are designed with and for companies based on their real needs), over 95% of students obtain a work contract by the end of the course.

Also, thanks to partnerships with Italian and foreign universities, JAC offers the opportunity to continue the training experience by adding a Bachelor’s degree (EQF level VI), also relying on dedicated coaching activities.

Institut de Vic

Center za usposabljanje VET – Španija

Institut de Vic lahko že od samega začetka deli znanje o ustvarjanju in razvoju IMM (International Marketing Management). Ponudimo lahko tudi naše izkušnje na področju mednarodne mobilnosti, uvedene leta 1992.

Institut de Vic is located in Vic, near Barcelona.

We offer the following level 5 EQF studies:

Trade and Marketing:

  • Marketing and Advertising
  • International Marketing Management
  • Sales and Commercial Spaces Management

International Trade

  • Transport and Logistics


  • Business and Finances

Electricity and Electronics

  • Automation and Industrial Robotics

Installations and Maintenance

  • Industrial Mechatronics


  • Analysis and quality control laboratory


  • Oral Hygiene
  • Clinical and Biomedical Laboratory


Cristòfol Estrella i Padilla

+34 938891878

Institut Escola del Treball

Center za usposabljanje VET – Španija

Institut Escola del Treball prinaša v ITHEN svoje izkušnje na področju načrtovanja in razvoja Mednarodnega tečaja trženjskega menedžmenta, ki se je začel leta 2018. Verjamemo, da bodo naše izkušnje na področju usklajevanja in upravljanja evropskih projektov tudi doprinos za omrežje ITHEN.

Institut Escola del Treball is located in Lleida, Catalonia, and it offers a great variety of vocational studies in the following fields:

  • Commerce (International Trade, Transport and Logistics, Business Marketing and Management)
  • Administration (Administrative Financing and Management Assistance)
  • Electricity (Electrotechnical Systems and Equipments, Robotics)
  • Carpentry (Carpentry and Furniture)
  • Renewable Energies
  • Environmental Education
  • Chemistry (Laboratory and quality control)

Approximately 700 are enrolled in our institution, taking both EQF4 and EQF5 levels.

We are involved and also very active in different European projects related to mobility abroad and are active members of the and networks

Atlantica - Instituto Universitario

Univerzitetni inštitut ‒ Portugalska

Atlântica si prizadeva prispevati k projektu ITHEN s strokovnim znanjem o razvoju novih izdelkov s poudarkom na izdelkih, ki temeljijo na tehnologiji. To je mogoče zaradi močnega strokovnega znanja predavateljev (tako akademskega kot strokovnega) o strateškem marketingu, tehnologiji in podjetništvu ter zaradi močne povezave s podjetji.

Atlântica was born in 1996 as an institution of public interest, reaching out to be a target reference to the creation, transmission and dissemination of knowledge, science and technology through the articulation of study, teaching, research and experimental development. Atlântica is an institution oriented to the creation, transmission and dissemination of culture, knowledge, science and technology through the articulation of study, teaching, scientific and technological research, experimental development and the provision of services to the Community. It aims to train students to become professionals who have a humanistic and scientific-technical conception, scientific-technical and engage in society, in innovating areas of knowledge whose importance will be felt in the modernization and development of the country.

Univerza na Primorskem Università del Litorale

Univerza ‒ Slovenija

UP FM ima dolgoletno tradicijo na področju mednarodnega trženjskega menedžmenta, povezanega z inovacijami. Ključne osebe, ki sodelujejo, imajo tudi pomembne izkušnje, povezane z mednarodnimi poslovnimi dejavnostmi in s sodelovanjem na mednarodnih projektih raziskav in razvoja.

Univerza na Primorskem (UP), Slovenia’s third largest public university, was established in 2003 as a centre of knowledge implementing European educational strategies.

UP consists of six faculties and one research centre.

At the end of the year 2020 there were 5.147 students included in various programmes at all three levels of education, among them 942 foreign students were enrolled.

Over the past three years UP has been involved in 62 international projects.

The proposed action will be implemented by the Faculty of Management (FM), a member of the UP. The FM, established in 1995, is a public higher education institution for education and research in the field of social sciences, with special focus on management, economics, finance and business law.

Full professor Borut Likar, PhD.

Mugla Sitki Kocman University

Univerza ‒ Turčija

MSKU bo prinesel inovativne metodologije projekta ITHEN, primere javno-zasebnega partnerstva in možnosti pripravništva.

Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University was established in 1992 as a state university and has 14 faculties now. Since its establishment, Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University has been in pursuit of quality higher education and research in order to contribute to the sociocultural, scientific, and technological development of Turkey.

Developing a systematic and comprehensive education programme for the thorough dissemination, discovery, and application of knowledge requires a competent infrastructure. As such, Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University embarked on a fast advancement and investment project in 1994. Today, Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University encompasses a two million square metre campus surrounded by a spectacular mountain view and smaller university sites and schools across the province.

Currently, the university services over 32,000 students and employs over 1,300 full time academic staff.

Prof. Dr. Tuğba Uçma Uysal



Podjetje ‒ Nemčija

  • Spodbujanje prenosa znanja v mrežo z analizo potreb po participativnem oblikovanju in testiranju možnih tehničnih rešitev ter s spremljanjem razvoja sorodnih procesov.
  • Prispevanje strokovnega znanja na področju menedžmenta znanja in organizacijskega razvoja pri razvoju novih vsebin in metodologij tečaja.
  • Krepitev povezave med akademskimi partnerji in zasebnim sektorjem.

OneOffTech provides both technical components for the promotion of knowledge processes within organizations and networks of institutions, as well as strategic expertise. Spanning our expertise from computer science and software development to cultural anthropology and philosophy we trust in and use our competences for creative solutions. As we accompany you your needs and requirements are always at the heart of these solutions.

Our team is essentially multi-ethnic, distributed and highly flexible. Knowledge and its distribution are essential to us.

Gianluca Colombo


Associazione Multiculturale I Due Mondi

Multicultural Association - Italy & Argentina

Associazione Multiculturale I Due Mondi lahko ponudi svoje obsežne izkušnje na področju mednarodnega sodelovanja, marketinga ter razvoja poslovanja in znanja na svetovnih trgih. Njegovo osebje lahko tudi deli svoj know-how pri načrtovanju in razvoju mednarodnih programov za upravljanje marketinga. – svoje izkušnje?

The Association aims to be a meeting point between local, European and non-EU public and private voluntary organizations that share the same objectives, namely:

– Contribute to the progress of immigrant citizens, to their social growth and to the improvement of their skills and resources

– Promote exchanges and cultural relations in Universities and businesses around the world,

– Promote training and aggregation programs for new generations of Italians abroad.

– Organize refresher and professional training courses, scholarships and study trips in Italy and abroad

-Promote projects to improve the socio-economic conditions of young Italians abroad

– Promote the tourism of the Italian territory in the world

– Promote research and development projects in the field of clean and alternative energy to improve intelligent life

– Legal, social security, tax, contractual and organizational consultancy to support individuals and companies

Mario Vicente Gesualdi


Natalia Curto


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