The IMM programme facing the pandemic challenge

The IMM programme facing the pandemic challenge

The International Marketing Management course (IMM) is a programme organised by 5 European institutions that offer training in Italy, Spain, Portugal and The Netherlands. Of them, four are already part of the I-THEN network.

The students enrolled in the IMM programme have the opportunity to study and have their internship in four European countries, obtaining in two years two EQF5 qualifications. Also, they can choose to continue their training for one, two or three additional years at a European partner university and obtain, therefore, a University Degree.

Students are invited to be proactive and committed, as the course is a challenging experience, where international transfers and changes are commonplace. In fact, students spend their first term at the Fondazione ITS JobsAcademy in Bergamo (Italy), where they learn the basis on Sales and Marketing, and the second term in the NHL Stenden University in Leeuwarden (the Netherlands), to continue the Marketing studies and attend lessons of Creative Business. The second year is spent in Spain (both in Institut de Vic and Institut Escola del Treball in Lleida), where students deal with financial and Commercial research issues, and in Portugal(Atlantica University), to receive a training on digital issues.

From March 2020, the programme has faced a big additional challenge due to the COVID situation. The five training centres in the programme have joined then all their efforts to continue their training both online and, when possible, onsite. Different countries have involved different measures, and, despite all, the five institutions and their teaching staff have been doing their best to make the most of the situation. As a result, they have guaranteed the graduation of the first cohort, the continuity of the second and the start of the third. A total of almost 80 students so far.

Undoubtedly, more to come!

The International Marketing Management course (IMM) is a programme organised by 5 European institutions that offer training in Italy, Spain, Portugal and The Netherlands.

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