Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University hosts the last meeting of the ITHEN project

Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University hosts the last meeting of the ITHEN project

The partners met on the 8th and 9th of the 2022 meeting for that meeting which was the project of the ITHEN- Technical Higher Education Network. The last transnational international meeting was at Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University, at its Faculty of Management and Administration.

As stated by the manager, Guilia Dali, “we are meeting many project requirements to see all the results achieved with quality and within the defined deadlines”.

All the eight project partners are present at the meeting in Turkey: Atlântica – Instituto Universitário, Portugal; ITS JobsAcademy (JAC). Italy; Institut Escola del Treball (IET) – Spain; Institut de Vic (IVIC), Spain; Mugla Sitki Kocman University, Turkey; Associazione Multiculturale I Due Mondi, Italy; OneOffTech(OOT), Germany; Univerza na Primorskem Università del Litorale, Slovenia.

ithen members outside the University
Some of the representatives for each of ITHEN’s partners reunited at Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University

Some of the main project conclusions: The ITHEN set of methodologies and guidelines were achieved according to the key competencies needed from students attending international joint courses and alignment of the methodologies with the requirements of the job market.

During the piloting phase of active methodologies, 302 students acquired new skills and key competencies in the field of international marketing and business management, increasing
their opportunities in the job market.

Additionally, more than 297 teachers/professors experienced master innovative methodologies useful to deliver key entrepreneurial and cultural awareness competencies
within their ordinary teaching practice, strengthening their CV and competencies.

The ITHEN project aimed to create an impact on partners and associations to create close cooperation between organizations of different nature and business models (TVETs, Universities, NGOs and SMEs) which will open new synergies in different fields, resulting in the development of innovative ideas to be carried out as a growing Consortium post-project.


Some of the representatives of ITHEN’s partners reviewing the results of the project.

Also, the results of ITHEN contributed to the pedagogical and geographical enrichment of the existing IMM – International Marketing Management course carried out.

Instead, the most important impact of ITHEN is agreement and memorandums within TVETs and Universities (JAC, IET, IVIC, ATLANTICA, UP, MSKU). With this impact, the partner organizations have the opportunity to be part of a new European-wide network of HE bodies experts in the field of international marketing and business management education. They will cooperate to develop new joint international courses together, reaching a wider number of students and enriching their educational offer with unique international courses that will represent a winning asset concerning their competitors on their territory.

Further, the joint open source platform developed –  facilitate the management of existing and new international joint courses.

This project EUErasmusPlus, in the area of EU Vocational Excellence, is the result of cooperation between 8 project partners from Italy, Spain, Portugal, Slovenia, Turkey and Germany and 6 associated partners from Argentina, Canada, Chile, Italy and Turkey.

The ITHEN project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

The ITHEN network has the collaboration between tertiary VET institutions and universities and companies among its main goals. Do you want to be involved?

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